Jesse's Blog

This is a test to start blogging. I will try to post cute things that my daughter(Grace) does on this blog. Hopefully I will include cute pictures also :)

Friday, December 30, 2005

Grace's First Museum

Today I am down in Virginia Beach visiting Grace's great aunt(s). Today we went to the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk. There was an exhibit of Black & White photography that Owen(Grace's great-uncle) wanted to see.

Grace did really well with the visit. The stroller was a slight challenge, but fortunately I had an umbrella stroller, so I could just pick-up the stroller with her in it for the unavoidable steps. She was pretty quiet for the beginning. We saw another baby there and Kathy(Grace's great Aunt) took her to visit with the other baby. I looked at the exhibits some and went back and found that Grace was having a lot of fun with the other baby. I carried her through part of the Museum and just pushed the stroller with her bag in it. She did make some noises(almost like singing). It seemed that the other visitors were amused rather than annoyed by her sounds. Grace was very well behaved and she seemed to enjoy the museum as much as could be expected. She ended up taking a nap on the way back to Kathy and Owen's house.

The art was pretty cool. A lot of it was pictures of train which makes some pretty interesting photos. I found out afterwards that Owen actually has a couple of works from the artist at his office. His grandfather was a postmaster in Southern Virginia and he met the train to get the mail, so he ended up running into the artist and his truck even ended up in one of his photos.


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