Jesse's Blog

This is a test to start blogging. I will try to post cute things that my daughter(Grace) does on this blog. Hopefully I will include cute pictures also :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Another fun day for Grace

Grace had another great day in day care. She is such a wonderful baby :) We then went to Kelly's house and his kids were very excited to see her.

Work is pretty hectic for me this week. There is a big deadline at the end of this week, so it is pretty busy getting things wrapped up. We had a Lockheed Kool-Aid drinking meeting with the VP of our division. Most of the stuff he said sounded pretty good. While it doesn't seem that there will be the growth that we have had in the past few years, we should be in a good position to hold on to our current position. I met my friend Mike White-Eagle there. It was good to see him.

After I dropped Grace at Kelly's house, I had to stop by work to make sure I wasn't leaving anything broken overnight. After about 15 minutes I was able to get to a point where I felt things were at a good stopping point.

I went to see my therapist. It was helpful. He saw Angela a few times, so he has been helpful in me trying to come to grips with what Angela was going through. We also talked a fair amount about it being important for me to know the cause of her death. I have been a little reluctant to find out. Today I got a voice mail message from the detective about the autopsy report. So I will find out soon.

I just saw that the Wizards beat the Jailblazers. That is to good to see after they have been on a bit of a slide recently.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Grace's big day

Yesterday(Monday) Grace started day care. She did great the first day. She did all the things they expected of her(napping, playing, and eating).

Today went well also at day care. She was a little sad when I dropped her off. When I picked her up Tanja(the day care owner) told me that she only cried for a few seconds and then went on as if nothing had bothered her :)

Work was pretty hectic. It is the last week before a code deadline for our last fixes. There are still a couple of things that I am helping out to fix up.

After work Grace was quite happy to see me when I picked her up. Today was our neighbor Kaden's 1 year old birthday. I gave Grace a bottle and went about wrapping his present. I had Grace help me with writing her name on the card.

There were a couple of other babies for Grace to play with and Kaden's 5 year old cousin. She did well with all of the kids. Grace's present of the "baby hypnotizer" was a big hit. At about 8 pm Grace started to get worn out from her big day, so we went back to our house. She played for about 20 minutes and then I changed her into PJs and put her to bed.

Friday, November 25, 2005


I just joined Friendster and created a profile. I wonder if I will find anyone I know on Friendster. Currently I have no friends(on Friendster anyway).