Jesse's Blog

This is a test to start blogging. I will try to post cute things that my daughter(Grace) does on this blog. Hopefully I will include cute pictures also :)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Tandler's Redskins Blog: Gibbs Fires Himself

Tandler's Redskins Blog: Gibbs Fires Himself

An evaluation of the Skins latest coaching move.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Love Monkey

I saw the show for the first time tonight. The description said that it was the pilot, so I guess it might have been the first episode. Boston Legal was on ABC at the same time and had Tom Cavanaugh's co-star from Ed on it. I thought that was kind of funny. I think he is kind of stuck in the Ed type guy role, but I think it is an appealling character.

The show Love Monkey seems like a TV show version of the movie High Fidelity with John Cusack. I think it will probably be a little more upbeat, but hopefully just as interesting. I think they could have gotten the main character a little bit out of the Ed role, if they had him single and looking for a while. But at the end of the episode they introduce a love interest that seems like it could go the route of the story in Ed.

Grace Recovered

Grace was a little sick on Thursday morning, so I took her to the doctor. They thought that she might have an upper respitory infection. They prescribed some Amoxicillin. She has done really well with taking her medicine and her cough and congestion are gone for the most part. She stayed at Ma&Pa's on Thursday and Friday while I went to work. Karen came up from Virginia Beach during the weekend and Grace stayed there.

Saturday night was the rugby club banquet. It seemed like the tent was going to blow away in the wind. I then went out afterwards with some of the guys in Old Town Alexandria. It was fun, but I felt a little rough the next morning.

Grace stayed next door yesterday because day care was closed. She had fun with her buddy Kaden(who is a couple of months younger). She did well in daycare today, although she seemed a little cranky.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Yahoo Answers

Yahoo has added a new incredibly addictive feature called Yahoo Answers. You can ask and answer questions and get points for answering questions and additional points if you answer is picked. These points are used to attain ranks. The ranks do have a slight benefit off allowing you to ask and answer more questions.

Mainly though the ranks seem to be pretty pointless. You are not even given a congrats email(at least for the second and third level). But it is rewarding to provide people with the answer they need and interesting to see the different opinions on some questions.

I have added a box on the side that includes a link to the yahoo questions I have asked and answered. I generally answer a lot more questions than I ask. I guess most of the questions I have tend to be ones that I want to ask people specifically rather than send out for the whole world to put their two cents in.